NovaTears® is a unique preservative-free eye lubricant and tear film stabiliser in a multi-dose bottle specifically designed for the relief of Evaporative Dry Eye Disease.

NovaTears® drops are for the lubrication of the eye surface, the stabilisation of the tear film and to provide relief from dry and irritated eyes.

NovaTears® is preservative-free, phosphate-free and water-free, and can be used for 6 months after opening.

Available pack sizes – 3 mL

Dose Form – Eye drops

Active Ingredients
Perfluorohexyloctane (EyeSol®, 100% v/v)

Administer 1 drop in each affected eye up to 4 times daily.

Do not use NovaTears® if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to the ingredient Perfluorohexyloctane. If you are using any other eye medication allow at least 15 minutes between using the other product and NovaTears. Do not use NovaTears® if you wear contact lenses as NovaTears® may affect them. NovaTears® should not be used in children under 18 years. NovaTears® should not be used while pregnant or breastfeeding.

NovaTears® Eye Drops

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